Contact us
Should you need further information in relation to the type of service or your want to contract any service we could offer, do not hesitate to contact us, that we are sure we can deliver and arrange any service done to meassure. Thanking you in advance!
Contact form
Información básica sobre protección de datos
Responsable: Aerojetway
Finalidad: Moderación de comentarios
Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado
Destinatarios: No se comunicarán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal. Los datos quedarán almacenados en los servidores de ………………., situados en la Unión Europea (política de privacidad de ……….)
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Puedes consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en mi política de privacidad.
Our clients
About us
“Aerojetway Airport Services is an independent company operating since 1995 performing airline representation, station management and handling supervision for airlines operating in all mayor Spanish Airports. We can also supply you with our services of Representation, Airport slots and Traffic rights coordination.
Also we can arrange our Meet & Greet unique service at any airport in Spain. We will Meet and Greet during arrivals, transit and departure that VIP passenger that has contract this service.”
Contact us
- Aerojetway Airport Services S.L. Madrid Barajas Airport Terminal 1 2nd Floor. Office 42130 28042 Madrid, Spain
- (+34 ) 91 324 37 06